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. DNA解码终结了进化论

II. DNA decoding terminates the Theory of Evolution




As mentioned in Part 1 of this book, only the most unsophisticated  observational  tools were available in Darwin’s time. The Theory of Evolution he proposed was only based on his observations and judgments derived from the comparisons of  animal shapes and archaeological fossils. Had he known the difference of chromosome pair numbers between human beings and chimpanzees let alone the difference in DNAs, he would not have proposed the Theory of Evolution.




When chromosome numbers were discovered, the “gulf of chromosome pair numbers” had completely disproved the evolutionists’ most fundamental canons namely, ”numerous, successive, slight modifications”  as well as “natural selection.” For the last twenty years, DNA coding has proved that all human beings in the world come from the same man and the same parents, which makes “population evolution”, one of the basic tenets of Darwin, become a laughingstock. Obviously, in the face of chromosomes and DNAs, the Theory of Evolution has lost the power of persuasion. Theory of Evolution established on bones and fossils is an erroneous theory developed on the wrong path.



Do you believe that Darwin could buy 23.99 pairs of eggs from the grocery? The number of chromosomes can’t have a non-integral alteration either.


同时,任何新进化论的理论:如基因漂变( genetic drift)DNA mutation等,都不可能实现将24对染色体的猿类转变为23对染色体的人,不可能跨越染色体对数的鸿沟。科学是无情的,达尔文的进化论,的确是像他给出的最坏预测:绝对地破产(“absolutely break down”


Meanwhile, any new theory of evolution such as genetic drift, DNA mutation, etc, can neither transform the 24-pair–chromosome apes to 23-pair-chromosome human beings nor fill the gulf of chromosome pairs. Science is merciless. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution seems to have realized his worst prediction, namely,. “absolutely breaking down”.




The strongest and the most indisputable evidence is the highly consistent DNA codes of all the peoples in the world. The new theory of evolution that “DNA mutation at random plus natural selection determines evolutionary direction” is groundless imagination in face of the extremely consistent codes of DNA sequences.




In sum, the Theory of Evolution is demolished by the scientific research achievements in DNA coding and decoding. The DNA coding of biological material tolls a bell for the Theory of Evolution. Though offensive, it is the scientific fact. We should to end the rule of Theory of Evolution and remove this wrong theory completely from children’s textbooks.


三骤变论 VS. 进化论

III. The Theory of Saltation vs. The Theory of Evolution




To “overcome” the gulf of chromosome pair number bankrupting the Theory of Evolution, it is suggested that human chromosome was formed  by fusion of two ape chromosomes. Therefore the 24-pairs-chromosome apes became the 23-pairs-chromosome modern human beings by way of saltation.


请读者注意,骤变(Saltation Jumping and discontinuous changes)是和突变(Mutation)绝对不同的。人类每产生一代,在新一代人身上,DNA总有极少数量的变化,叫突变。而骤变则是一次性发生了大量DNA的变化。


The readers should note that saltation ( i.e. jumping and discontinuous changes), is quite different from mutation. Every new generation of human beings will have exceedingly small changes  DNA known as mutation whereas saltation means numerous DNA changes at one tome.




The “Theory of Saltation” or the “Theory of New Species Generated by Saltation” was abandoned over one hundred years ago.  The “Theory of Saltation” in opposition to the Theory of Evolution is used by some people  trying to save the Theory of Evolution in vain. In addition, as described in  the above three parts, the  “Theory of Saltation” is also a theory built on sandy foundation.




Due to the long time span, people including the modern scientists who propose the   “Theory of Saltation” may forget the opposition and difference between the “Theory of Saltation” and the Theory of Evolution. Therefore,  it is necessary for us to review this topic.


1.     米瓦特 VS.达尔文

1. St. George Jackson Mivart vs. Charles Robert Darwin


人们都知道达尔文,却不一定知道米瓦特,在达尔文的时代,米瓦特和达尔文有着同样的知名度。米瓦特(St. George Jackson Mivart 30 November 1827 – 1 April 1900)是当时一位著名的生物学家,也是一位天主教教徒。


Darwin is well known, but  Mivart is a stranger to many people. During Darwin’s time, Mivart and Darwin had equal reputation. St. George Jackson Mivart (30 November 1827 – 1 April 1900) was a well-known biologist and a Catholic.


米瓦特认为,物种的形成是骤然的、急变的,没有过渡的形式。他搜集了大批材料反对以逐渐过渡方式产生新器官的渐变观点。1871年,米瓦特出版了他的著作On the Genesis of Species,在书中,他详细表达了他的观点。因此,他和达尔文之间的论战被进一步升级。达尔文在《物种起源》的最后一版(1872年版)中用相当的篇幅反驳了米瓦特的观点。仅在第七章中,就有30处提到米瓦特的观点,并加以驳斥。其中几个主要的内容摘录如下:


Mivart believes that generation of species is sudden and abrupt without any transition. He collected a great deal of material to oppose the view of gradual change that new organs are generated by gradual transformation. In 1871, Mivart published his works including On the Genesis of Species, to express his opinions in detail. As a result, the debate between him and Darwin was escalated. In the last version (1872) of Origin of Species, Darwin refuted opinions expressed by Mivart in great details. Just in Chapter Seven among others, the opinions expressed by Mivart are mentioned and refuted at 30 places. Excerpts from several key passages are shown below: 



米伐特先生进而相信新种是突然出现的,而且是由突然变异而成,还有一些博物学者附和他的这种观点。例如,他假定已经绝灭了的三趾马 Hipparion)和马之间的差异是突然发生的。他认为,鸟类的翘膀除了由于具有显著而重要性质的、比较突然的变异而发展起来的以外,其他方法都是 难于相信的;并且显然他把这种观点推广到蝙蝠和翼手龙(pterodactyles)的翅膀。这意味着进化系列里存在着巨大的断裂或不连续性,这结论, 依我看来,是极端不可能的。


Mr. Mivart believed that species change through "an internal force or tendency," about which nothing is known.

Mr. Mivart is further inclined to believe, and some naturalists agree with him, that new species manifest themselves "with suddenness and by modifications appearing at once." For instance, he hypothesized that the differences between the extinct three-toed Hipparion and the horse arose suddenly. He thought it difficult to believe that the wing of a bird "was developed in any other way than by a comparatively sudden modification of a marked and important kind". Apparently, he would extend the same view to the wings of bats and pterodactyles. This conclusion, which implies huge breaks or discontinuity in the evolutionary series, appears to me most improbable.




Darwin  said: “On the theory of natural selection, we can clearly understand why she should not; for natural selection can act only by taking advantage of slight successive variations; she can never take a leap, but must advance by the shortest and slowest steps.”



Do you still believe that the “Theory of Saltation” is within the realm of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution after reading the above arguments?


1.     米瓦特的遭遇:

2. Mivart’s Fate


什么是米瓦特所说 内在的力量或倾向呢?作为一位天主教教徒,这里,他很可能是想隐含着神的力量。只要有神的力量,就会使一个物种瞬间地转化为另一个物种。他 的这种看法,不但被达尔文所否定,天主教教会也是否定的。因为按照圣经的教导是:物种各从其类,并不存在一个物种向另外一个物种转化,米瓦特两边都不 讨好。


What is the ‘inherent power or orientation’ proposed by Mivart? Being a Catholic, he might want to invoke the “power of God”. By “power of God”, a species can be instantly transformed to another. His view was refuted by not only by Darwin but also the Catholic Church. According to the teaching in the Bible, each species is formed  “according to its kind” without transformation  from one to the another. As a result, Mivart’s view was not favored by neither side.


美国著名的哲学家David Lee Hull 1935615- 2010811日)曾经在他的书中“Darwin and His Critics”,这样评价米瓦特:他被达尔文和他的同事们排除在科学界之外。米瓦特试图去调和科学和天主教的信仰,最终却导致被双方所驱逐。


David Lee Hull, the well-known U.S. philosopher (June 15, 1936 – August 11, 2010), evaluated  Mivart’s view in his book, Darwin and His Critics:” Just as Mivart was being excommunicated from the Catholic Church because of his article on [the possibility of] happiness in hell, he was being excluded from the scientific community by Darwin and his associates. In the end, Mivart's attempts to reconcile science and the Catholic Church led him to be excommunicated from both.”


1900年元月,当时的英国罗马天主教教会的主教Herbert Alfred Vaughan 1832–1903)向米瓦特发出了停止教权的禁令,禁止他参加所有圣事活动。因此,在米瓦特19004月去世后,无法按天主教的仪式举行葬礼,也不能在教会的墓地下葬。经过他的朋友们长期抗争,终于在他去世3年多后,在1904118,才被安葬在天主教的墓地。


In January 1900, Bishop Herbert Alfred Vaughan of the British Roman Catholic Church (1832-1903) banned Mivart from all the rights of a Catholic and participation in all religious sacraments. As a result, after his death in April 1900, Mivart was not entitled to burial with the catholic ritual nor buried in the graveyard of the Catholic church. Finally, he was allowed to be buried in the catholic graveyard on January 18, 1904( i.e. over 3 years after his death) after a long fight by his friends.


2.     幸运的现代米瓦特

3. Lucky  modern “Mivart”




In modern times, some scholars found another theory to rescue the bankrupted Theory of Evolution. This theory advocates  that the 24-pair-chromosome apes mutated to the 23-pair-chromosome human beings through the fusion of No. 12 and No. 13 chromosomes. It is a theory which obviously believes that human beings were generated by “the Theory of Saltation.” Now, the modern “Mivart” of this theory is Dr. Collins, the author of Language of God.




From his book, we know that he is a Christian. He is very much like Mivart in that both of them want to reconcile the conflict between science and religious belief. More lucky than Mivart, he was not only free from the persecution of religion but also appointed as a member of the Academy of Sciences.


柯林斯先生虽然是 一位有才华的分子医学专家,但是,看来他并没有多少达尔文进化论的知识,使他无法分辨进化论和骤变论的区别。在他的上帝的语言一书中,他从科学上解释 说,人是从比黑猩猩更原始的猿,由于骤变成为了人,这完全是米瓦特的骤变论。然而,他却说他的研究若是没有达尔文理论作为基础,就无法将基因组研究如此之多的数据互相联系起来。(英文:it is almost impossible to imagine correlating the vast amounts of data coming forth from the studies of genomes without the foundations of Darwin’s theory” 相信他只要认真的阅 读一遍物种起源的第七章,就一定会知道自己的误解。

Although a talented expert in molecular medicine, Dr. Collins seems to have little knowledge of Theory of Evolution since he is unable to distinguish between the Theory of Evolution from the Theory of Saltation. In his book, Language of God, he gave the scientific explanation that human beings were generated by “saltation” from apes more primitive than chimpanzees. This view is exactly the same as the Theory of Saltation of Mivart. However, he said “it is almost impossible to imagine correlating the vast amounts of data coming forth from the studies of genomes without the foundations of Darwin’s theory”. It is believed that he must understand his misunderstanding by seriously reading Chapter VII of Origin of Species.



IV. Normal phenotype of human beings generated by “Saltation” is the Achilles' heel of the“Theory of Saltation”


1.     骤变不能产生新的人类种群

1. Saltation cannot generate new human races




According to the modern science, Mivart was justified in opposing the Theory of Evolution because the findings of chromosome pair numbers and DNA codes refute Darwin’s Theory of Evolution which is based on the notion of gradual change, microvariation and population evolution and deny the possibility of generating human beings according to these means.




Certainly, according to the existing science, Darwin’s views are also justified in opposing the Theory of Saltation, because the secrets revealed by chromosomes and DNA codes also refute Mivart’s theory that new species are generated by saltation.



In sum, scientifically, both of them are wrong.




Both the biological and biomedical researches show that human physical features are different from those of apes and chimpanzees in not only in chromosome pairs but also in all DNA sequences. The differences cover chromosome length, gene types, quantity, etc. For those similar genes in both human beings and chimpanzees, significant differences have been identified carefully by DNA sequences. For example, “83% of genes” are different” and “20% of genes are significantly different on No. 21 chromosome between human beings and chimpanzees (See Part 8).


 即使在一次受孕中,两个染色体有可能发生融合,也不可能同时发生其它22条染色体DNA 度、基因数量和种类大的改变,更不可能产生猿类没有的、人类的新基因(如有关语言的基因)。而且不可能在精子和卵子两者所有的染色体之中,同时发生同样的 骤变,结合产生出现代人这个新物种。人类和黑猩猩在非物质遗传信息上也存在巨大的差异,不可能是丢弃两段染色体,人就具有了人类独有的智慧、艺术 等等非物质遗传信息


Even if two chromosomes have fused in a pregnancy, the other 22 chromosomes’ DNA length, gene number and gene types cannot significantly change at the same time let alone the generation of new human genes unavailable to apes (i.e. genes about language). In addition, all chromosomes in sperms and eggs cannot have simultaneous and identical saltation to merge and generate new species. Huge differences exist in nonphysical genetic information between human beings and chimpanzees. It is impossible that by “deleting” two pieces of chromosomes, human beings acquire human wisdom, artistic and other nonphysical genetic information which belong to man and man only.




The Saltationists often quote human Robertsonian translocation disease to explain the fusion of chromosomes. However, there is not one case of Robertsonian translocation disease which demonstrates simultaneous and significant change in all the chromosomes.




In sum, a couple of hairy apes cannot generate a modern human baby. It is impossible that through saltation an ape population generates a male baby and a female baby with exactly the same “autosome” DNA coding sequences. It is even more impossible that No. 2 chromosomes of the two babies are fused to form exactly the same first marker ( i.e. 789 DNA coding sequences) with the same starting point (See Figure 6-1 of Part 6).




Even if such man and woman were generated, they cannot be matched in matrimony let alone develop into a new human race.


2.     22对染色体的人不可能取代70亿23对染色体的现代人

2. 22-pair-chromosomes human beings cannot replace the 7 billion 23-pair-chromosome modern human beings



Why did we say that the aforementioned saltation cannot develop into a new human race? Let us examine a special case from modern human beings.




Part 7 shows that 22-pair-chromosome human beings exist in modern times. However, we can be sure that the 22-pair-chromosome human beings cannot develop into a new race. It is even more impossible that thousands of years later, the 23-pair-chromosomes human beings are completely replaced by the 22-pair-chromosomes human beings.




In 2010, a 22-pair-chromosome man was found in Central China. He has normal phenotype with no difference in appearance from a normal person, so he was married to a normal woman. Certainly, he could only give birth to sickly children unable to survive. Even if their children could survive, they would be patients of 22.5 pairs (or 45 pieces) of chromosomes, also unable to breed offsrings.




Suppose he was a rich man with billions of dollars and wanted to acquire a son with normal reproductive ability to inherit his wealth, the only possibility is that he has to find a 22-pair-chromosomes wife to give birth to a 22-pair-chromosome son. Imagine whether he can recruit such a wife by putting an advertisement in the New York Times. Our answer is a definitive: No.




Since 1970, we found only 10 people with 22 pairs of chromosomes. During the recent 20 years, many countries have performed  chromosome  examination from embryos, with which it should  not be difficult  to find people with 22 pairs of chromosomes and yet we found 10 only . As a result, the total 22-pair-chromosomes population cannot be more than one part in five million of normal population, and such sickly individuals cannot be more than 1,400.




Consider the gender ratio, age and other factors, the probability of meeting such requirement in women willing to be recruited are less than one part in thirty thousand. This probability is even lower than winning mega million lottery. How many women are willing to be recruited considering the chromosome test expenses which are hundreds of times higher than those of buying a lottery? Therefore, the gentleman in question is unable to recruit the 22-pair-chromosomes wife.


 即使他成功了,他的儿子、孙子等等后裔,都要面临这样的问题。由此看到,形成22对染色体人的族群是不可能的,他们只是患染色体病的病人。 更无法想象现在仅仅几百上千的22对染色体的人,会取代70亿23对染色体的现代人。


Even if he succeeded, his son, grandson and other offsprings will face the same problem. As a result, it is impossible to create a 22-pair-chromosomes race. They are nothing but patients of “chromosome disease”. It is even more unimaginable that only hundreds or thousands of 22-pair-chromosomes individuals can replace the 7 billion 23-pair-chromosomes modern human beings.



3. 23-pair-chromosome human beings cannot replace 24-pair-chromosome man apes



If analyzed by similar reasoning of the above, it is impossible for the 23-pair-chromosomes modern human beings to be replaced by the 24-pair-chromosomes  man apes.




It is important that the no difference exists between the saltated human beings and the unsaltated human beings, medically known as “normal phenotype”. “Normal phenotype” is the Achilles' heel of the Theory of Saltation. For the saltated human beings cannot be distinguished from those in their race, they cannot guarantee to mate within their own race. If he is not a baby with “normal phenotype”, it cannot survive.




Without chromosome testing 50 years ago, no modern men and women knew then how many pairs of chromosome they have. Any 22-pair-chromosomes person could not understand why they are childless, let alone trying to find a person in the opposite sex withi the same chromosome pairs to marry.




Over 200,000 years ago, the conditions were worse. Even if a man and a woman were generated by a rare chance, how could they find their spouses with the same 23 pairs of chromosomes among the unsaltated 24-pair-chromosomes human beings? As the 22-pair-chromosomes human beings and the 23-pair-chromosome human beings have no significant difference in appearance from each other (i.e. “normal phenotype”), if modern human beings were saltated, the parents before saltation and their children after saltation should not be significantly different in appearance.




As a result, the human beings before and after saltation could not distinguish themselves from the original population. With every marriage of 23-pair-chromosome human being to a 24-pair-chromosome human being, the probability is lessened to produce a 23-pair-chromosomes offspring. Therefore, even if a couple with 23-pair-chromosome human beings are generated from the 24-pair-chromosome man apes, they will become extinct generations later.




If modern human beings developed from 24-pair-chromosome man apes through saltation, the 24-pair-chromosome man apes must be more advanced than chimpanzees. Not long ago, millions of chimpanzees have existed. If the man apes once existed, why did they all disappeared?




In addition, the theory of “human being generation by saltation” is also refuted by the conclusion that all human beings in the world are offsprings of one man. Our final conclusion is this: Modern human beings cannot be generated from man apes.

